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Translated by: Oana Coman
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0724 550 463

Translation from old Greek and notes by Oana Coman. Introductory study by Constantin Cretu, “Patristica” collection, “Translations” series.

The complete work of St Amphilochios of Iconium, translated by Oana Coman, gets printed for the first time in Romanian. Prominent defender of Orthodoxy, like the Cappadocian Fathers, Amphilochios of Iconium unveils the mystery of Christology and the greatness of the oratorical art.

“Explain to us, oh Master, the meanings of Thy sayings. Peel off the words and show us the fruit of the Spirit, so that we won’t be dying paying attention to the letter of the Law, but rushing to the Spirit we may live with Joy. Because the letter of the Law is killing, but the Spirit gives Life. Teach us as if we were babies, teach the heretics as if they were some foolish men: For Thou are the educator of the mindless ones and the teacher of the infants. Unwrap the bosom of Thy Grace to us, the newborn ones, and nursing us from the Spirit, let...

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Translation from old Greek and notes by Oana Coman. Introductory study by Constantin Cretu, “Patristica” collection, “Translations” series.

The complete work of St Amphilochios of Iconium, translated by Oana Coman, gets printed for the first time in Romanian. Prominent defender of Orthodoxy, like the Cappadocian Fathers, Amphilochios of Iconium unveils the mystery of Christology and the greatness of the oratorical art.

“Explain to us, oh Master, the meanings of Thy sayings. Peel off the words and show us the fruit of the Spirit, so that we won’t be dying paying attention to the letter of the Law, but rushing to the Spirit we may live with Joy. Because the letter of the Law is killing, but the Spirit gives Life. Teach us as if we were babies, teach the heretics as if they were some foolish men: For Thou are the educator of the mindless ones and the teacher of the infants. Unwrap the bosom of Thy Grace to us, the newborn ones, and nursing us from the Spirit, let the pure milk of the Evangelical teaching feed us!”

Saint Amphilochios of Iconium, Homily VI, 3

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Media presentation

Scrieri - Sfântul Amfilohie de Iconium

Publishing date: 
Cover type: 
14,5 x 23 cm

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