The Christian baptism in the biblical, patristic tradition and in the funerary inscriptions
Baptism, Anointing and the Eucharist are the Mysteries of Christian Initiation. In the first centuries of Christianity, they were inseparable: the catechumens were first baptized, then anointed with the Holy and Great Anointing, and then participated for the first time in the "Liturgy of the Faithful," and received the first Holy Communion. In the same order, they are administered until today in the Orthodox Church to those who are received in its Christic community.
This book is, among other things, an invitation to a "reditus ad initium", a return to the beginning, at the time of our baptism, to raise awareness of baptism as the beginning of the gracious communion that God has made with us. At baptism, we made a blunt choice: death or life, and if we were once estranged from God, we have now united with Him, and it is imperative that we keep this union forever.
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