How to find rest from thoughts
Rest is the state we have been looking for more and more lately, and because the main impediments to its sedimentation inside our soul are thoughts, more and more colorful, we should find out how we can escape. of useless thoughts, which tire us mentally but also physically.
A philocalic parent teaches us that every being seeks and finds rest in his best activity. So rest is not laziness, it is not inertia, but living in the best work for us, the most useful for us. We need to realize that rest is an activity, that man is a working being, like God, Who, as the Savior says, is now working. And man rests in his highest work, which is both the best and the most beautiful, namely the union of the mind with God in his heart.
But in order to start on this path, we need to hate the enemies of this rest and get rid of them. And the enemies of rest are thoughts.
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