24 words about the spiritual life
Ancient Greek translation, introductory study and hieroglyphic notes. Lavrentie Carp Ignored for a long time, the work of Saint Simeon the New Theologian enjoyed an interest in its originality only in the second part of the last century, through critical editions, translations and relevant studies. The number of words that make up this paper is closely dependent on that of the letters of the alphabet, with which each section begins. The appreciation of the Athonite Fathers who edited the text is telling: “It can be argued that we are dealing with a theoretical work that focuses on the teachings of St. Simeon, unlike Catechesis, which are spontaneous / natural and living texts, recording everyday problems. ". “Some people wonder how many Christians do not love Christ. In fact, to love Christ means nothing more than to keep His commandments, as He said, "He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me" (Jn 14:21). Therefore, he who does not keep...
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