Homilies I
In an age crushed by the plurality of meanings and the lack of a clear benchmark for shaping a philosophical perspective on the world, the texts of the Holy Fathers are a true oasis for the search of modern man. By reading the Palamite Homilies, the modern reader will discover a world imprinted with the necessity of repentance and deification through orthopraxy and orthodoxy, and not with the desires for personal fulfillment circumscribed to this world. Man does not assert himself, potentiating his qualities, but the self develops only if the grace of God finds its abode in a broken and opern heart to the uncreated and deifying energies of God. The world of St. Gregory's Homilies is the world of a theology detached from the experience of grace, in which the work and presence of God in creation must be understood starting from the suffering of this presence and from its direct feeling. What is astonishing in these homilies is the way in which the extremely elaborate Palamite...
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