Taina artei. To become an artist in the image of God
Hollywood actor Jonathan Jackson's book, "The Mystery of Art. Becoming an Artist in the Image of God ”is both an essay on the Christian purpose of art and an author's confession about its conversion to Orthodoxy. Winner of 5 Emmy Awards for her performance in the series "General Hospital", also known for her roles in other films such as "Nashville", "Tuck Everlasting" or "Insomnia", where she starred alongside Al Pacino and Robin Williams), Jonathan Jackson converted to Orthodoxy almost 5 years ago. As he confessed in an interview, Romania and Mount Athos played a special role in his journey to Orthodox Christianity. We offer you an excerpt from the book:
“Emptying his many illusions and false identities is an approach that prepares the artist to receive the creative force of the Spirit in a deeper way. It helps him get another vision ...
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