The spiritual life of the great composers of classical music
Music has so many spiritual qualities that it should come as no surprise that many composers have had a strong faith. And yet this is a topic rarely discussed in the biographies of great musicians and composers. People listen to music, read about musicians and can study music literature for years without knowing anything about the Christian faith of great musicians.
"In this book I talk about twenty composers who had different lives and beliefs. However, there is a surprising agreement between them that is based on the Christian faith. Even completely different people like Haydn and Stravinsky seem to have an active spirituality in common. This does not mean that any of these composers led an exemplary, holy life. They were ordinary people, who often faced extremely difficult circumstances, each with its own share of personal failures. But they all had a sincere faith. My goal in writing this book is to focus on this often neglected aspect of their lives. ”
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