Father Proclus as I knew him
Change breeds zeal. You are trying to say the prayer [that] you have begun, and if you see that boredom, fatigue, sleep, and other disturbance are coming at that time, I must force myself. And if they can't even force it, [they have to] change. If I read the Psalms, boredom comes, thoughts come, I leave and read a sheet, or half a sheet from another book. And if you see that even so, you go outside, that is, [in] the outside air you can still do it, it's easier. But, let me tell you, it's a great misfortune with this passion of insensibility. Insensitivity should disappear.
Look how, in that hermitage, there was a madman at the Sihla hermitage. And that madman was asking me some questions. And when I was cooking, he would say, "It's not complete yet." He was asking me other questions. "Well, that's not complete either." And when I went to work there and saw him, I remembered that I was not complete. Do you know why he said that? To teach me humility. To see, am I not...
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