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The parents of my childhood

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The "Sunday of All Saints" Hermitage - Bucium was founded as a metoch of the "Prodromul" Hermitage, from the Holy Mount Athos, according to some historians in 1853, according to others, in 1863, by Archbishop Nifon Ionescu, during and on the estate of Prince Grigorie Alexandru Guess II. The name of this ruler is also linked to the beginnings of the Hermitage "Prodromul", from the Holy Mount Athos, which he supported with money, land and gifts of all kinds through the Epitropy "Saint Spiridon" - Iasi.

However, Grigorie Alexandru Ghica II was not the only founder of the Athonite hermitage, but there were other founders who contributed to the erection of the monastic settlement of Athos, through the metoc from Bucium - Iaşi; a reference name is that of the dramatic artist Constantin Bălănescu, who donated all his fortune, consisting of money, houses and land, to the two settlements. Of...

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The "Sunday of All Saints" Hermitage - Bucium was founded as a metoch of the "Prodromul" Hermitage, from the Holy Mount Athos, according to some historians in 1853, according to others, in 1863, by Archbishop Nifon Ionescu, during and on the estate of Prince Grigorie Alexandru Guess II. The name of this ruler is also linked to the beginnings of the Hermitage "Prodromul", from the Holy Mount Athos, which he supported with money, land and gifts of all kinds through the Epitropy "Saint Spiridon" - Iasi.

However, Grigorie Alexandru Ghica II was not the only founder of the Athonite hermitage, but there were other founders who contributed to the erection of the monastic settlement of Athos, through the metoc from Bucium - Iaşi; a reference name is that of the dramatic artist Constantin Bălănescu, who donated all his fortune, consisting of money, houses and land, to the two settlements. Of course, the prosperity of the "Prodromul" Hermitage, from the Holy Mount Athos, depended on the prosperity of the Iasi metoch. It should not be neglected that, in attracting damages for the two hermitages, an important role was played by the main founder, Archbishop Nifon Ionescu, which, unfortunately, after the secularization of the fortunes of Greek churches, made by Alexandru Ioan Cuza (1859-1866) - parents and the brethren drove him away.

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