Commentary on Isaiah. Homilies on Uzziah
Translated by: Laura Enache
45 LEI
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The book of the Prophet Isaiah is considered the most beloved, appreciated and most frequently quoted Old Testament writing, both in the New Testament and in the works of the Holy Fathers. Blessed Jerome said in the prologue of his commentary that Isaiah is an evangelist and apostle rather than a prophet, as no other prophetic writing clearly preaches as many mysteries about Christ and the Church as this book: the activity of St. John the Baptist, the birth of the Lord of the Virgin, His miracles, passions, death and Resurrection, as well as the call of the Gentiles to faith in the Savior.
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Patristica - Translations seriesPublishing date:
9978-606-666-015-0Cover type:
14,5 x 23 cmColor:
monocromOther books from Patristica - Translations series
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