Modern Orthodox thinkers. From the Philocalie to the present
The volume was composed by a convert to Orthodoxy, who lives in the diaspora, being written from this very perspective. A decisive element of the perception of Orthodox theology in the Western diaspora (in Western Europe and America) was the exile of members of Russian intelligence, convicted in 1922, by a decree issued by Lenin and Trotsky, for not showing sympathy. the Bolshevik cause. Many of these intellectuals gravitated around Paris, where a theological institute was established, the famous Institut St. Serge, in 1925, having as dean the Marxist economist, who became a theologian and priest, Father Sergei Bulgakov. Their presence in Paris brought Orthodox theology to the attention of many Western thinkers and theologians and led to an unprecedented interest - especially in English-speaking and French-speaking spaces - in what came to be known as Eastern Orthodoxy. My own encounter with, and later embrace of, Orthodoxy certainly has its antecedent in the...
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