Eucharistic communion and philocal experience
34 LEI
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The Faculty of Orthodox Theology „Dumitru Stăniloae” from the University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” from Iași organized this year, 2014, the traditional international symposium on topics of great theological interest.
Considering, on the one hand, the homage theme ordered by the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, "Eucharist", and on the other hand the 220th anniversary of the transfer to eternal life of the Pious Paisie Velicicovschi, the debates of the symposium of our Faculty of covered both topics. Thus, the theme of the symposium in the year of salvation 2014 was "Eucharistic communion and philocal experience".
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EpistemePublishing date:
978-606-666-418-9Cover type:
16,5 x 23 cmColor:
monocromOther books from Episteme
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