A life in Christ - advice for contemporary man
Essential. Practical. Personal. These three qualities describe the contents of the book "A Life in Christ," where we can find quotations from the writings and sermons of St. John of Kronstadt. We encounter a diversity of topics: elementary knowledge and de facto understanding of the teaching of faith, recognition of the idolatrous subtleties of today, and especially self-knowledge as yet unexplored potential (the privileged vocation of sons of God, by grace), and implicitly following very carefully the mistakes, the distortions that we can correct. St. John of Kronstadt's approach has an evangelical tone - like true good news - an optimistic but at the same time firm and uncompromising perspective on the struggle with the passions and spirits of this world.
What makes this work valuable is the fact that it is written from the heart, from experience, but not on paper, but on the heart of the person who will open this book, even out of curiosity. By researching these words...
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