The Confession of Patriarch Dositheos
Translated by: Vasile Loichiță
Ediție îngrijită de: Dragoș Dâscă
26 LEI
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Teh Confession is considered "the most important confession of the Orthodox faith in recent centuries", "the most important orthodox dogmatic text" and "the most important and, fortunately, the least Latin manifestation of this reaction, in which the errors of Luther and Calvin were unequivocally condemned. "
Dositeos' confession is still a document of great theological and historical value, which is why Doxologia Publishing House decided to offer it to readers in a new edition.
This volume contains the first translation from ancient Greek into Romanian of Dositei's Confession, made by Vasile Loichiţă.
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Marturisire de CredințăPublishing date:
978-606-666-803-3Cover type:
14,5 x 23 cmColor:
monocromOther books from Apologetica, Apologetica, seria Izvoare
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