Priestly works
From the beginning of the priestly ministry until the last day of his life's journey, the priest Elijah Elijah was enslaved to the heart by the priestly ministry. A thrill foreign to this world flooded his whole being. The zeal of the house of God consumed him, so he spent long moments in the church every day, but especially on Sundays and holidays. Sometimes he would come at dawn to open the church, he prepared everything for the service, and in the cold season he lit the fire in the stoves, two or three hours before the service began. The parish could not afford to hire a permanent parish priest, so in many cases the priest and his wife Nadezhda met all the requirements, including those related to cleaning and maintenance.
As for the liturgical side, Father Ilie Ilisei was a good servant, knowledgeable of the typical and the rules of worship. He had a great deal of patience in prayer and officiated services without haste, respecting the whole course of the...
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