The great synaxar of October
This edition of the Great Sinaxar represents, according to the data we have, the most comprehensive hagiographic collection of the Orthodox Church, based on the Greek Great Sinaxar and the edition published in the USA, the latter having the advantage of including the Lives of Saints and Pious which is not in the Greek version.
In the Romanian edition of Sinaxarul Mare, for the rare situations in which the text of the original editions was deficient, we used the collection The Lives of the Saints (the edition edited by Father Archimandrite Ioanichie Bălan). The lives of the Romanian Saints were taken, in general, from the work of Fr. Prof. Mircea Păcurariu, Daco-Roman and Romanian Saints, published at the Trinitas Publishing House of the Metropolitan Church of Moldova and Bucovina in 1994. We also introduced in our work the Lives of some Saints of Slavic origin (Russians, Serbs, Georgians, Bulgarians, etc.), as well as the Lives of some Saints of Western origin, who lived...
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