The ages of love. How do we turn the event into destiny?
"The American philosopher Allan Bloom noticed that most young people have sex, but they do not (anymore) live a love story. And yet, the animal world will never satisfy us. When love grows, we feel that we belong to Heaven. How, then, do we turn the love affair into a singular destiny?
Three short narratives, interpreted philosophically by Mihail Neamţu, capture the key situations of love. At the dawn of civilization, Mowgli leaves the jungle because he hears the love song of the beautiful Shanti. Two romantics in their teens, Mihnea and Dora, know the flame of passionate love, whose embers intensify through the epistolary of "good words to eat". Finally, Dinu and Nelli Pillat - historical personalities - experienced both erotic ecstasy and suffering, always betting on eternity.
Beyond failure and blasphemy, but without proposing recipes for marital happiness, the book invites us to discover the promises, traps and joys of love.
... An educated Alioșa...
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