The Book of Genesis
The book of Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament, is perhaps the most difficult of all the books of Holy Scripture. It is a difficult book not only for a child, but also for an adult. That is why this project is all the more important, it is equally addressed to children and their parents, inviting them to participate, together, in the rediscovery of the core of the appearance of life on Earth.
The illustration of the Book of Genesis is constructed starting from the structure of the manuscript mined by the Middle Ages. In order to speak to the children, from the point of view of the image, a closer approach was chosen to the story book illustration, appealing only where it was absolutely necessary to the iconographic symbols and rigors. Thus, children will be able to see personifications of the seven days of creation in the form of fantastic characters that help, through the way they were conceived in a recollection of the events that took place during them...
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