Canons of prayer against the eight thoughts of evil
Translated by: Laura Enache
Ediție îngrijită de: Pr. Dragoș Bahrim
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The most appropriate characterization of the cycle of canons of St. Mark could be that of ethical-didactic-ascetic poetry. Like other creators of para-hymnography, St. Mark also preferred this kind of creation on the grounds that he considered it best to emphasize in the minds of the young the harmful influences of evil thoughts and to give them the most effective means of combating them.
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Viața în Hristos - Seria Imnografie bizantinăPublishing date:
978-606-666-776-0Cover type:
14,5 x 21 cmColor:
policromieOther books from Viața în Hristos - Seria Imnografie bizantină
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