Transhumanism in the light of theology, philosophy and science : critical perspectives and Christian metaphysical implications
Adrian Lemeni, Nichifor Tănase (editors)
Within Eastern Orthodox tradition, the vision of God (theoptia) as an unmediated experience of the uncreated light and its glory underlines the important role of the nous, the intuitive intellect. It also shows that reason should not be disregarded, but transformed and remodelled based on a virtuous life. The goal of human perfection is the transfiguration of the mind into a mind capable of seeing the Truth, within the context of the process of theosis (becoming like God). Without this divine-human anthropology, academic epistemology is an empty scheme, without substance. It cannot be more than an incomplete and inconsistent primitive epistemology. Theological and symbolistic vocabulary contain expressions of mystical realism. In contrast with a mentality rooted in the ideology that science is supreme, patristic wisdom has established that scientific proof is a much weaker notion than living the truth. Living the...
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