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Father Archimandrite Irineu Ilie, "a short life but dense in good deeds to eternity"

37 LEI
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0724 550 463

Father Archimandrite Irineu Ilie is also worthy of pious remembrance and the example of holy living, who, although he left this world at a young age, only 35 years old, is part of the gallery of great parents with improved lives in our Church. From the light of his soul, Father Archimandrite spread light around him, and its radiance permeates space and time, as we see now, 30 years after his transition from the Holy Land to the Heavenly Homeland.
The book entitled Father Archimandrite Irineu Ilie, "a short life, but dense in good deeds to eternity" is a pious homage to the memory of the Pious Father on the third anniversary of his move to the eternal.
† TEOFAN, Metropolitan of Moldova and Bucovina


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Father Archimandrite Irineu Ilie is also worthy of pious remembrance and the example of holy living, who, although he left this world at a young age, only 35 years old, is part of the gallery of great parents with improved lives in our Church. From the light of his soul, Father Archimandrite spread light around him, and its radiance permeates space and time, as we see now, 30 years after his transition from the Holy Land to the Heavenly Homeland.
The book entitled Father Archimandrite Irineu Ilie, "a short life, but dense in good deeds to eternity" is a pious homage to the memory of the Pious Father on the third anniversary of his move to the eternal.
† TEOFAN, Metropolitan of Moldova and Bucovina


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Cover type: 
14,5 x 21 cm

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